Healthy Choices & Local Voices Campaign

For my final Public Relations class entitled “IMC 491: Public Relations Techniques,” we complete a semester-long campaign project. This is based off of our internship for this class, which we apply for and interview for at the beginning of the semester. My internship was with United Way, which sponsors a wide variety of nonprofit organizations in the Oxford community. For my campaign, I decided to focus on one of these particular organizations, the Oxford Community Market, which is a local farmer’s market in Oxford.

The elements of this project include:

  1. Situation Analysis — Primary and Secondary Research

  2. Defining Target Publics

  3. S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

  4. Plan Strategy

  5. Key Messages

  6. Action and Communication Tactics — Controlled and Uncontrolled

  7. Media Kit — Cover Letter, Video P.S.A, Media Alert, Fact Sheet and News Release

  8. Materials and Budget

  9. Planning and Timetable

  10. Social Media Calendar

  11. Evaluation and Survey

View the final project here and the final presentation here.